The trouble with gossip is that it’s so tasty and we don’t just savour
it, we swallow it whole. (Proverbs)
Stand firm and know that, with Jesus, we have someone who can
speak for us to God himself. He knows how much life can hurt, but
he stayed close to God and did all that was asked of him. He
recognises how we feel and God makes him the one road home for
all of us. (Hebrews)
You are the salt of the earth, the people who preserve the best, the
hands that heal the wounds, the ones who give others a taste of
God’s goodness, the lights that shine. (Matthew)
If you get it wrong it’s no good saying I wasn’t ready or can I have
another go? Just say sorry! (Leviticus)
Where you go, I will go; where you live, I will live; your people will
be my people; your God will be my God; and, where you die, so will
I. Only death will separate me from you. (Ruth)
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