Messy Church




Messy Church is a form of church for children and adults at all stages of their faith journey.

Each session has a Biblical theme which is explored through craft activities, games, puppets, story, prayer, song and ends with a sit-down meal together.




We meet on the 2nd Sunday of each month (apart from August)

from 3 – 5pm.

Messy Church dates for 2023 / 2024

September   10th  
October         1st  (1st Sunday of the month)
November    12th
December    10th
January        14th
February      11th
March           17th    
April              14th  
May                12th
June              9th   
July               14th

All are welcome to join us as a family for these sessions.

Messy Church Gallery

We all fit together!!


July 24

Theme – The Olympics – running the race!

Today we think about how athletes show

real perseverance in training for the Olympic games.

They train for years!!

How can we persevere in following Jesus?

What practical things can we do regularly in keeping our faith?


Edible medals



Olympic torch




Olympic prayers game


Olympic values 


Prayer relay



Olympic action people





Dear God,

Sometimes it’s hard to keep trying.
It’s hard when things are tough
or when everything seems to be going wrong.
Please help us never to give up
but always to persevere.
Please help us to be people who encourage others to keep trying
as we all aim for different goals in life.
Thank you that you never give up on us.



June 24

Theme – Rediscovering God in creation

Today we think about nature,

all the wonderful things we see daily round and about us

and how it makes us feel connected to God.




Make a ‘lim-pet’



Seascape collage


Sensory water play


Driftwood sculpting






Sand play





Dear God,

You made a beautiful world for us to live in.

Please teach us to appreciate all that you have made

and to enjoy this world.

Tonight, I looked up at the clear, dark sky

and saw thousands of bright stars.

How amazing that you have made this wonderful world

– it is so BIG, God, yet you love everything in it.




May 24

Theme – Shh! It’s a secret

Today we think about Christian people

in the world who are not free to worship

and have to worship secretly.


Painted rocks


Homemade cross


Fish food



Hidden scriptures


Secret messages



Dear God,

We are sorry that we take you

and our freedom to worship you for granted.

Thank-you so much that we are free to worship,

to sing loudly, to read our Bibles

and to tell our friends and family about you.

Please comfort and support

all persecuted Christians around the world

and help all the charities

working to help them and bring them Bibles.




April 24

Theme – Peter’s discipleship

Today we think about how –

Jesus calls lots of different people to follow Him.

Asking them to make choices that follow His teaching

and to care for others with compassion.

Peter’s discipleship had times of happiness, joy, struggle

and times when his faith was tested.

Jesus knows this and still asks us to follow.


Banana sheep biscuit




Stormy seas


Feed the sheep



Sand play


Peter’s discipleship story box



Dear God,

Thank you for caring about us so much,

Thank you for noticing when we are sad or lonely,

confused, or angry, upset or just really under the weather.

Help us to care for our family and friends

just like you care for us.

Just as you help us,

may we be like you and help them.





March 24

Theme – Seeing is believing

Today we think about how the disciples,

like all of us, question things we don’t understand.

It can be difficult to believe without seeing

but Jesus tells us that that we are blessed

if we live by faith and believe without seeing.


Beautiful butterfly snack


Scratch art cross


Things change painting


Leafy butterfly and insects


Clothespin tomb craft




Fellowship meal


All one in Christ Jesus



The story of Easter ‘Eggsactly’ 


Easter smarties Prayer

Pink for the people who came and praised,
Green for the palm leaves that they raised;
Purple for the robe that Jesus wore,
Brown for the cross that Jesus bore;
Red for the blood that Jesus shed,
Blue for the tears when he was dead;
orange for the stone that was rolled away,
Yellow for joy- He’s alive today!

Thank you God,



February 24

Theme – Learning to live together

Today we think about how God made us all different,

yet at the same time,

we are all part of God’s image and His family.




All one in Christ Jesus



Fearfully and wonderfully made


Vine and Branches




We are all one



Make a percussion instrument



Dear God,

Help us to remember that when you made us, you made others too.

Help us to get on with the people around us.

Help us to learn and work together for the good of everyone.

Help us to learn about each other in our everyday lives and

to do all we can to encourage peace and happiness among the people across the world.

Help us to love others as you love us,

and to remember that other people are your children too.



January 24

Theme – All Aboard

Today we think about what discipleship means

  • Worship – getting to know God through prayer, praise and hearing His stories from the Bible.

  • Fellowship – going on the journey together, asking questions, sharing thoughts, praying and supporting one another.

  • Stewardship – looking after the world God has entrusted to us.

Fish printing


Mini Food ships


Cross – Stained glass window



Mini Vegetable ships


Decoupage cross



Dear God,

When we think of ‘the church’,

We think of our own building,

Our own friends,

Those who worship with us now.

When you see the church,

You see your people spread throughout the world,

Stretching through time.

God, help us to see how great the church is:

And to be glad that we belong to your family.




Pop-Up Nativity – ‘Festive Fred’ – Dec 23



A great performance,

enjoyed by the congregation.

Thank-you VERY much to all our talented actors!


December 23

Theme – All Things Christmas!


Star biscuits


Making candles


Christmas trees


Tea light holders




Time for a snack!


Dear God

Thank you for all the fun and games 

we can have at Christmas.

thank you for my family and

please help us not to forget,

amongst all the enjoyment,

that Christmas is really

about celebrating your birth.



November 23

Theme – Fabulous new city for everyone

Today we think about how God’s love for us stretches

to the North, South, East and West.

No one is beyond His reach.

We think about how we can be His hands, feet,

eyes and ears in this world

to recognise where there is need

and use the gifts He has given us to respond.


Plentiful garden





Build a city



‘Enough rain’ Science experiment



Heart shaped cookies




Peace dove



Dear God,

We belong to a great family of millions of people from all countries of the world.

We have different kinds of faces, different coloured skins,

and we are all different shapes and sizes!

Yet, you know everyone in your world family.

Thank you for loving us all.

There are many people who are in need of clothes, food, housing and friendship.

Help us to notice them, and to do something to help.




October 23

Theme – Altogether now

Jesus came to remind us that we are all a family: God’s family!

Joseph made sure that his family had a place to live and food to eat.

Jesus came to make sure that we could care for each other

and remember the lessons of those who came before us

and how when we use that wisdom, we can have fuller and richer lives.


Our Messy Church Family


Food Family


Heritage photo Frame


‘Remember me’ lantern


We remember








Dear God,

You are God of young and old,

We thank you for old people.

They have so much to share with us:

Help us to be ready to listen.

They have had so many years to learn about your world:

Help us to be ready to learn form their advice..

Thank you for their gifts to us of knowledge, experience and love.



September 23

Theme – Care for our world

We remember the beauty of the world around us, made by God,

and how we can all work together to maintain and enjoy it’s beauty.

We also remember the abundance of food God has given us

to enjoy and to share. How can we use our resources wisely?


My promise fridge-magnet


Food Travelogue


Treasure under the Sea


Flag biscuits


Plenty – to – eat – Placemat





Dear God,

I know that you have created everything.

Thank you for a beautiful world.

Please help me to appreciate all that you have given me.

Please teach me to take care of your creation.




July 23

Theme – Creation jar

We remember how God created the world like a beautiful garden.

He wants us to take care of His creation which He has trusted us with.



Stone Cairns


Balloon rocket




Fish / animals






Dear God,

You made a beautiful world for us to live in.

Forgive us when we harm the things you created for us to enjoy –

the fresh streams and rivers, the trees, green fileds and flowers.

Help us to look after and protect everything that you made

and stop those who selfishly destroy it.


June 23

Theme – Who will help us?

We remember at Pentecost how God doesn’t leave us on our own

but sends the Holy Spirit to be our helper to strengthen us in our faith.

The Invisible cross


Dove handprint

Growing trees

Windmill and fire streamers


Dear God,

Thank you for sending your Holy Spirit to be with us,

Help us to remember that you are always with us, showing us your way,

encouraging us, cheering us up and helping us when we make mistakes.

We ask that your Holy Spirit is with us now and stays with us forever.



May 23

Theme –  Coronation of Charles 111

 Today we are thinking about how to live a life that cares for others.

Many of us look to King Charles to lead us and guide us as a nation.

David in the Bible was chosen as a king and was told that he would shepherd his people.

This has links with the way of life that Jesus followed – as the good shepherd.

Make an Orb

Make a natural crown

Make a room spray

Crown biscuit wafer

Quiet and reflective time

Worship time


Bless us Lord and help us think about you more.

Help us to love your world

And to serve you.

Help us to stay close to you

As we journey through life



April 23

Theme – Redeemed

Today we are thinking about the meaning of the Easter story.

The Easter story is about the BIG, BIG love God has for every single person,

and what He had to do for us to know it.

Easter gardens




 Wow – Easter gardens in bloom!!

Thank you for this great photo.



Known, Loved, Saved


Fruit Kebab Easter cross

Peg leg donkey

Easter colouring



 Thank you, Jesus, for the amazing way you love us.

Thank you that you love each one of us so much that you died

and rose again so that we can be your friends.

Please help us never to forget how amazing you are.


March 23

Theme – Heavenly hope

Today we are thinking about what it is like to live God’s way.


Sweet bouquet


Light up bees


Prayer bunting


Growing cress


Living God’s way Lego

Take away table



Dear God, help me:

Not to lose my temper even when people annoy me.

Not to lose my patience even when things do not come out right first time.

Not to lose my hope when things are difficult and when learning is hard.

Not to be tempted to do the wrong thing.

Help me to live each day so that

I will have nothing to be sorry for when I go to bed again at night.



February 23

Theme –  Everyone is welcome at this party!

Today we are thinking about how God loves EVERYBODY!

And welcomes everyone who wants to know Him better.


Smiley face balloons

Get ready to party!!


Smiling fruit faces


Sand play

Party celebration Skit



 Dear God,

Bless those who are lonely and have no friends.

Help us to talk to others we sometimes find difficult, strange / different to us or shy.

Let our friendship help them to come to know you and your love.


December 22

Spontaneous Nativity




Theme – All are welcome in God’s family

(Galatians 3:26-29)

Messy Church Takeaway

‘One Family Quilt’

Please will you, as a family, talk about and design / create a ‘Quilt piece’ that represents your particular family and what makes you unique.

This might include something about where you come from, something you particularly enjoy as a family, or special gifts and talents that make your family different.

Each family will have a white handkerchief to work on.

What you might use

Scissors, glue, fabric crayons / paints,

felt pieces, off cuts of material, wool, sequins,

glitter glue etc etc



Fantastic quilt pieces!!

They are so colourful and interesting.

Thank you for all the thought, time and hard work you have obviously given.