Sunday Worship 27 September 2020

By Revd Kofi Amissah on September 26, 2020

Authority – Rev Kofi Amissah

Pre-recorded service led by Rev Kofi Amissah.

Please see the link below and the attached reflection for the day:

Text: Therefore God exalted him to the highest place and gave him the name that is above every
name, that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth,
and every tongue acknowledge that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father (Philippians

Reading: Matthew 21: 23-32

Hymn: And can it be that I should gain an interest in the Saviour’s blood? – StF 345

We read throughout the Bible of how God has all authority and how through creation he gave human beings authority over all other creatures. Jesus exercised authority over nature, illnesses and demons. He also exercised authority over the worship of God in Israel. It was the source of such authority that the chief priests and elders questioned (Matthew 21:23-24, 27. In Matthew 28:18, we read of the risen Christ telling his disciples: ‘all authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me.’ In Paul’s Epistle to the Philippians we read that God has given Jesus a name that commands authority (Philippians 2:9-11). This authority, I believe is available to all who follow Christ. Jesus’ authority was given to him by God (Phil. 2:9). When Jesus said in Matthew 28:18 that all authority has been given to him, he meant that God has given him that authority. The question of the chief priests and the elders in the temple on Jesus’ authority was hinging on one thing, whether God was the source of Jesus’ authority or not. From the readings, there are three things we need to consider if we want to receive authority from God.

Humility: Jesus received his authority from God by his humility. Though he was God, Jesus humbled
himself and became a human being and by that he received a new name in which there is authority (Phil.
2:3, 8)
Obedience: Though he had power to resist, he willingly obeyed God’s will and died a shameful death on the cross (Phil. 2:8b). For this reason, God willingly gave him that name LORD with all its authority. The
parable of the two sons was Jesus’ way of telling the chief priests and elders, that if they wanted God’s
authority to lead the people of Israel in true worship, it was through obedience (Matthew 21:29-32).

Sacrifice: Jesus had authority also because he sacrificed his life to save humanity. It is that loving sacrifice ,not fear, that compel us to worship and submit our will to Christ (Phil. 2:8b). Jesus declared his authority on heaven and earth only after he rose from the dead (Matthew 28:18).

My dear Christian friends, if we can have authority as children of God; if we can command demon and
illnesses and take authority over situations and circumstances, we need Jesus’ humility, obedience, and
sacrifice. If we can have authority over COVID-19 and end this pandemic, we need to humble ourselves,
obey all the guidance and protocols and sacrifice a little more of our leisure and desires to live life as
normal, so that very soon, the virus will be defeated and we can command that authority to live in freedom.

God bless you abundantly.

Stay blessed



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