Link for recorded Sunday service,
TEXT: John 1:41-42
The first thing Andrew did was to find his brother Simon and tell him, “We have found
the Messiah” (that is, the Christ). And he brought him to Jesus.
Hymn: This is my story, this is my song – StF 548
In John 1:35-46, we encounter different ways in which the disciples came to Jesus. The unique
thing is that they all began with someone sharing something they know about Jesus. Andrew
and John followed Jesus because of the powerful testimony of John the Baptist: ‘Behold the
Lamb of God’. Simon came to Jesus because of his brother Andrew’s personal but passionate
testimony of his encounter with Jesus: ‘We have found the Messiah’. Philip was found by
Jesus himself and he found Nathaniel and brought him to Jesus by sharing his faith story: ‘We
have found the one Moses wrote about in the Law, and about whom the prophets also
wrote—Jesus of Nazareth, the son of Joseph’ and inviting Nathaniel to ‘come and see’. Each
of them had a different route to coming to Jesus because God uses different means to draw
people to himself. We only need to trust God and make the effort of sharing our Christian faith
stories with those we encounter. God will do the rest.
After coming to Jesus and seeing where he lived and who he was, Andrew went out and found
his brother Simon. All Andrew did was to say to Simon: ‘We have found the Messiah’. It was
as simple as that. Andrew did not need to preach doctrine; he did not need to prophesy or teach
theology to Simon. It was as simple as: ‘We have found the Messiah’.
Since you became a Christian, since you joined the church, what have you found in Jesus?
What has your encounter with Jesus done to your life? Who is Jesus to you? Just go out there
and share? Tell your family and friends that you have found Jesus, a healer, a friend, a
comforter, a travel partner, a confidant. DARE 2 SHARE your faith story.
To help you gain the confidence to share your faith story, these are a few tips:
First, think through your Christian faith journey, praying for the Holy Spirit to remind you.
Then write down short stories of your faith that tells who Jesus is to you and what God has
done for you. If you need to, you can rehearse these stories as often as you can.
Start to share some of these stories in church, cell meetings, Bible study and prayer meetings.
I am encouraging you to take a short video (1-3 minutes) to be shared on social media. If you are
happy for the church to share them on Facebook, send them to us.
God bless you as you DARE2 SHARE your faith story.
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