On the evening of that first day of the week, when the disciples were together, with the
doors locked for fear of the Jewish leaders, Jesus came and stood among them and said,
“Peace be with you!” (John 20:19, NIV)
The predominant emotion of the disciples on the day of the resurrection seems to be fear. When
the women saw the stone has been rolled away, they were afraid. So, the angel told them do
not be afraid and gave them the good news that Christ is risen. They then hurried away from
the tomb with fear and joy. In the evening, the disciples were together behind locked doors for
fear of the Jewish leaders. If the gathering included the two disciples who met the risen Christ
on the road to Emmaus and the women who saw the risen Christ, it is surprising that they were
still afraid.
It is significant therefore that in the first encounter with the disciples, the risen Jesus greeted
then twice: “Peace be with you!” A week later when Jesus met again with his disciples, he
greeted them again: “Peace be with you!”. So, three times we hear Jesus pronouncing peace
upon his fear-struck disciples. It is this peace, together with the power of the Holy Spirit that
transforms the disciples from fearful, timid, runaway followers of Jesus, into bold, outspoken,
and fearless apostles of the good news of the risen Christ.
Even in the midst of a vaccination programme that is going so well, our fear of COVID-19 has
not gone away and will not go anytime soon. Even when we have evidence that whatever we
dread so much is under control, fear still persists. As long as we do not know what will happen
tomorrow, as long as we know we do not have total control over our lives, as long as we know
that there are many uncertainties around us, fear will persist. Whatever your fears are, and
whatever the fears of the world are, at the sound of the voice of the risen Christ, the peace of
God will disperse these fears and set us free. Peace be w
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