Quiet Day
What is meant by ‘a good death’?
Quiet Day – Saturday 6 April 2019, 10.15 am – 3.30 pm, Amelia Trust Farm Barry CF623AS
The subject of death and dying is a difficult and, for some, disturbing one. Yet death is an inevitable part of everyone’s life. It is also deeply individual: experiences will differ in so many ways.
The Methodist Church in Britain has produced some excellent discussion material – available online at https://www.methodist.org.uk/our-faith/life-and-faith/deathand-dying/
This day is an opportunity to listen, share and pray about some of it together in an informal, relaxed setting.
If you would like to begin to explore this subject, please feel welcome. Transport can be arranged from certain central locations.
Facilitated by Cardiff Methodist Local Preachers, Catherine Hewett and Sarah Middleton,
For more information or to register an interest,
contact Catherine on 02921 156058 or Sarah at middletons510@gmail.com by 16 February 2019.
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