Prayer for 9th May

Event Date: May 9, 2020 Time: Location:

Prayer Month 9th May

Today’s thoughts and prayers are provided by Rev. Cathy Gale.

May is a significant month in the life of the Methodist Church as we remember the “Aldersgate Experience” of John Wesley which transformed his life and began the movement which became Methodism. There are lots of ways in which we feel restricted during this time of lockdown, but for many of us an opportunity which has emerged has been more time for reflection and prayer.

I’ve embarked on an online course delivered by Wesley House, Cambridge entitled “Growing in Grace: Exploring the Wesleyan Way”. On Wednesday the course leader, the Revd. Dr. Andrew Stobard, gave this really simple definition of grace:

Grace is a relationship initiated by God, a relationship that exists because God wants it to.

I invite you today to ponder that definition – in your own life and the life of our world.

I offer this image as an aid for your reflection on grace. The dandelion head (here, amazingly captured in a paperweight) – so fragile on the one hand, and yet able to explode into new growth! Could this describe our relationship with God through grace – so much potential for growth and transformation?



Grace is a relationship initiated by God, a relationship that exists because God wants it to.


Use your time in prayer today to thank God for grace in your life and bring the world and its needs before God.

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