Prayer for 2nd May 2020
Today’s thoughts are provided by Rev. Judith Holliman.
Prayer is such a personal thing isn’t it? My Grandma used to pray sat in her chair looking out at the garden. My Grandpa would pray on his knees by the bed. I wonder how it works for you? For some people praying is like breathing – it just comes. For others it is much more elusive and that is okay – we are all different. When I am struggling with prayer I sit in my back room and imagine Jesus is sitting next to me, relaxed, smiling and I just tell him what’s going on. If it’s good I can see him smiling, if it’s dreadful I see him leaning forward, caring and sometimes I think he just throws his head back and laughs because I can get myself into some pretty stupid situations.
One of the best ways into prayer that I have used is the Examen, which is an unnecessarily academic word for a very simple practice. The Examen enables you to simply think over what is going on . . . with God.
So then:
Think over your day today – what feels good? What is not so good? What are you anxious about? What have you noticed?
Thank God for being there in the situation, for the blessings you have felt and seen, talk with Jesus about the worries you have.
Say sorry for stuff that you wish hadn’t happened.
Recognise that you can start again, clean before God thanks to Jesus.
This can take 2 minutes or an hour or . . .
You are not in competition, Jesus will be present whatever.
Just be.
Loving and gracious God
We face a bug that spreads like evil
Unseen and unknown it grows and defilesHelp us to remember that you have overcome evil
That you stand for and with us.
Be with your world as it stops and faces this warfare
Help us to act in a way that honours you.
Be with the rulers, politicians and newspaper editors
Help them to remember how many people they speak for
Especially the most vulnerable.
Loving and gracious God be with your Methodist People
Especially we pray for those in Wales – often called your own country
Help us to take time to discern what this prolonged change means for us
We will be in a new normal now, things will never be exactly the same
What do you call the Wales Synod to be?
How can I help?
Loving and gracious God
Be with those whom I love
Help me to understand that you love them even more than I do
Hold them for me as I cannot
Bring them your peace
A peace that stems from the knowledge of your love.
Our Father
Who art in Heaven
Hallowed be thy name
Thy kingdom come
Thy will be done
On earth as it is in Heaven
Give us this day our daily bread
And forgive us our trespasses
As we forgive those who trespass against us
And lead us not into temptation
But deliver us from evil.
For thine is the Kingdom, the Power and the Glory
For ever and ever,
God bless you this day.
Judith x
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