Prayer for 1st May 2020

Event Date: May 1, 2020 Time: Location:

Circuit Prayer Month 1st May 2020

1st May 2020 Cardiff Circuit Month of Prayer

‘In the morning O Lord, you hear my voice; in the morning I lay my requests before you and wait in expectation.’ PSALM 5:3

Each day we want to pray for those impacted by Covid-19 and to pray for our Synod and Circuit. Each day’s thoughts and prayers will be provided by a member of the Ministry team, Today’s thoughts are provided by Revd Nick Oborski.

Through the month we will pray for all sorts of people in all sorts of situations but today it’s right we start by praying for those in the Health Service and the Care service. Both play a vital role all year round they look after us and our loved ones.

I have been privileged to be linked into a prayer newsletter produced by the London Institute for Contemporary Christianity. It’s an organisation that primarily connects with Christians in the city of London providing support in their work environment. They recently talked to volunteers in the health service and I have reproduced some of the material below. It offers the chance to develop our own prayers based on “Giving Thanks” and “Asking God to Act”

Give thanks…

I sense God’s presence sustaining me each day, in my interactions with scared patients and families as I am able to extend a hand of comfort, and with my colleagues as we hold each other up.”

“In volunteers who give so much of their time, in the kindness of staff, in patients who in crisis still put others first, in the dedication and humility of medics … Wherever I look, if I look hard enough, I can see God working through others, in situations, through actions, words, and just being.”

‘ Ask for God’s help…

“We fear for the safety of our families and some colleagues are forced to isolate from their loved ones …There is a real danger and concern of not having adequate PPE, so staff are extremely anxious for their own lives.”

“It’s physically exhausting being in PPE for 12- to 13-hour shifts, and everything takes longer when wearing it. Emotionally, it’s very sad to watch someone die alone.”

Praying God’s heart for these people and situations…

Loving God we thank you for those who offer your loving care to those facing sickness, and fear and sometimes death. We ask that you would be with them as they try to connect with those they care for from behind the protection of PPE. We thank you for their great courage knowing that they put themselves at greater risk by serving us. Amen

We ask Lord that you help those seeking a vaccine and we pray for the different tests and trials being conducted around the world that a suitable vaccine might be found as quickly as is possible. Amen

We pray for those in Leadership roles within the NHS, Care Homes, and Government Departments. We ask that you would give them wisdom as they continue to make decisions which affect the work of these services and that their decisions help provide workers with what they need to be as effective as they can be. Amen

Praying for the Wales Synod and Our Circuit

Today we pray for our Wales Synod and for our sister Synod, Synod Cymru. Over recent years we have looked at how we might work closer together and indeed thought about how we might become one Synod. Both Synods now face a different landscape as we look to the future. There is a sense that people are rediscovering community. Will they also rediscover the church? As our churches look towards re-opening, we need to be reflecting on how we can continue to develop local community and ask ourselves what that might look like for our Synods individually or together.

A Prayer

Loving God strengthen your people to have the courage to engage with our local communities to share your love with them. We pray for Stephen and Jenny the Chairs of the two Wales Synods that they might seek your vision for your Methodist church in Wales and that you would give them the courage to take risks as we move into a new and possibly very different future to the one we have known up to now. Amen

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