Service and Reflection for Sunday 2nd May 2021

By Revd Dr Kofi Amissah on April 30, 2021

Link for recorded Sunday service,

I once attended a Scripture Union Study Camp where, the then Vice Chancellor of the
University of Cape Coast, led the devotion. His text was John 15:7 which reads:
‘If you abide in me, and my words abide in you, ask for whatever you wish, and it
will be done for you’.

He described this verse as ‘The Chemistry of the Mind’. This description has stuck with me
and I have explored this meaning for myself personally since then. One of the aspects of
chemistry is chemical combinations where the atoms and molecules in different elements reacts
chemically to form new substances. In remaining in Christ and his word remaining in us, we
become one in mind with him – chemistry of the mind.

The key word in John 15:1-17 is Meno (abide), mentioned 12 times in John 15:1-17 where
Jesus talks about the relationship between the vine, the branches, and the gardener. Meno
here means unending connection, perpetual existence and undetachable attachment. The
branch remaining in the vine means that there is an undetachable attachment of the branch to
the vine. The vine becomes the life, sustenance, and source of the branch. The branch becomes
one with the vine and shares in its total being. A branch that remains in the vine is one with the
vine in mind, action, and fruitfulness. Technically, when a branch remains in the vine, the vine
has no option than to feed and nourish the branch. This is because the connection is secure such
that nourishment flows naturally from the vine to the branch. The branch that remains in the
vine has its whole being as that of the vine.

When we abide in Christ, his life works in and through us to produce fruit. As we the branches
are one in mind with Christ the vine, what we wish, desire and want, cannot be contrary to that
of Christ. So, what we desire is what Christ desires for us. Thus, whenever we pray, our prayers
fall within the will of Christ and our prayers are answered…. Chemistry of the mind.
Abiding in Christ calls for continues prayer and the study of God’s word to share in fellowship
with Christ and get nourished. Without this constant nourishing from Christ through word and
prayer, we are not remaining in Christ and therefore we will bear no fruit and will not be able
to do anything.

The demands that the world makes on our time and energy these days means that we can easily
skip prayer and Bible study, which is the crucial aspect of our abiding in Christ. But knowing
how crucial it is to maintain the Chemistry of the mind, we cannot but seek earnestly to
continually be undetachable attached to Christ the true vine

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